Holy espresso Batman!!!


Holy espresso Batman!!! Things moved forward at warp speed today!!

Started the day without an alarm clock and relaxed for a bit. Started answering emails and left to run errands for the trailer.

Met with Trisha of Peters Interiors to go over more of the interior work.

Got another door painted and planned to get the cupboard doors and hardware back on when I got a call from Gorilla Graphix. They can get my trailer in TOMORROW for the wrap and I’ll have it back by Christmas Eve! This is fantastic but I am scheduled for my inspection tomorrow.

Several phone calls and emails later and the inspector is coming in 20 minutes! It’s pouring down rain with it blowing sideways!

I PASSED MY INSPECTION!!!! I couldn’t even believe it was happening let alone revel in the fact I passed!

Jason helped me get everything out that wasn’t tied down which is almost everything so we could haul the trailer to Gorilla. This included unlocking and moving the generator in the POURING down rain!

We got the trailer to Gorilla at 4:56 and needed it there by 5:00 . Thankful that Jerry was able to haul the trailer! I still need a lot of practice backing up and he got it through the bay door for me!

I CANNOT believe it!!! These things were big hurdles that I still needed to get past and they are done .

Soon I will be able to announce opening day and location!!!!


The day after Christmas


The Espresso Machine is GORGEOUS!