
This Friday (April 7th) The Adair Good Grounds Coffee Shop will be donating all proceeds from drip coffee sales to the Adair Firefighters Association, in honor of Dennis.

Dennis was a regular customer and his favorite coffee was a drip coffee

Read more about Dennis from what Adair Rural Fire & Rescue posted


Dennis was instrumental in the formation of the Adair Rural Fire Protection District. When the Air Force left the area and Adair Village returned to private lands, the area was left without fire protection. In March of 1973, Dennis, along with five others fought to create the Fire Protection District which still serves the community to this day. Dennis was asked to be your first Fire Chief and served in the position for 16 years.

As Fire Chief, Dennis was able to help acquire land and build the Soap Creek Valley Substation enhancing our ability to provide protection to the valley. He increased the capacity of Adair’s main station by adding two additional apparatus bays, a hose tower and improved equipment. He was pivotal in getting a levy passed to purchase a brand new 3000-gallon water tender that we still use today.

Dennis, working with his son Dick, David Campbell, and Chuck Harris restored the 1921 American Lafrance used by the station for musters, special events, and parades.

After leaving his position as Adair’s Fire Chief, he remained active in the department as our local Fire Marshal for the next 33 years. For 10 years he concurrently worked as a Deputy Fire Marshal for the Albany Fire Department. He was still serving the community of Adair as our Fire Marshal when he passed away.


Mon-Fri: 6:30am-4pm Sat: 7:30am-1pm

6020 NE William R Carr ST Adair Village

Order ahead of time & pickup in Bio


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