what coffee/roaster I’m using
The trailer is continuing to come together. I’m literally waiting for paint to dry!
A question I’m getting asked a lot is what coffee/roaster I’m using.
Choosing a roaster for me was my most important decision. It is imperative to me that people enjoy my coffee. I know it seems like a no brainer that the coffee should taste good but not all coffees are created equal! I wanted to be sure I was choosing the right one for my business.
I had multiple coffee tastings with 3 different roasters. I put a lot of thought and research into each company along with it needing to taste good!
Cafe Mam!!
Without knowing, 2 places I’ve really loved the coffee use Cafe Mam roasts. In our blind taste test 4 out of the top 5 were their roasts. It ended up being an easy decision after ALOT of coffee tasting!