Good Grounds Coffee Shop

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Presented With An Opportunity

I got presented with an opportunity to serve our Healthcare workers through Citizens Bank and I need to share.

I know he doesn’t want me to brag on him but the CEO and President at Citizens Bank is an incredible man with an incredible team. They want healthcare workers to know they haven’t been forgotten, they are appreciated. This group at Citizens Bank is some of the most genuine people I’ve met since opening Good Grounds.

Some of you may not know that I work in Management in Healthcare as my full time job. The last 19 months has been HARD. When I started Good Grounds my ultimate goal was to give back to others through it.

Today I got to serve MY people. My friends, my co workers, the people who I’ve been walking through all this with. I stepped out of the trailer after closing down today and I saw this in our break room window. ❤️❤️❤️

It was a reminder for me that all the countless hours and long days that I’ve put into Good Grounds is making a difference to people. It’s giving a small bit of time where people get to feel a sense of relief from the chaos of the world.

Today was a good day ❤️🩺☕️